Online Courses – Dental Education

  • Expand Your Dental Treatment Portfolio
  • Grow Your Practice
  • Increase Profitability & Income
  • Improve the Health of Your Patient
  • Revitalize Your Interest In Dentistry
  • Earn Continuing Education Credits

Join the 24,000 dentists over the past 35 years that have benefited from attending Brock Rondeau’s courses. Get started today!


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Brock Rondeau
Brock Rondeau

We’re the Leader in Dental Continuing Education

Brock Rondeau is one of North America’s most sought after clinicians who lectures over 100 days per year. He is the past president and master senior certified instructor for the International Association for Orthodontics. Over 22,000 dentists have attended his seminars, online courses and study clubs in the United States, Canada, China, Australia, England, Turkey and Poland.

Offer Your Patients More by Taking Our Online Courses

If you’re looking to expand your practice by introducing orthodontics, sleep apnea treatment, tmd treatment, or through case finishing & mechanics skills, we have just the thing for you. Rondeau Seminars is offering online courses that will allow you to offer your patients expanded treatment options as soon as you’ve completed the course!

man on a computer

Contact Rondeau Seminars today to get started!

The Benefits of Rondeau Seminars

Rondeau Seminars continues to be among the best in the continuing education business for many reasons, including:

  • Personalized Feeling

    Brock Rondeau addresses you directly, giving the feeling of intimate, one-on-one instruction

  • On Your Schedule

    You can complete the course at your own pace.

  • Materials Included

    Full manuals are included and sent directly to you.

  • Repetitive Learning

    The seminars include repetition to help you learn.

  • Reusability

    You and your team have the ability to review completed sections, multiple times.

  • Support

    We offer constant support for the duration of the course, even on weekends.

  • Relaxed Course Load

    The testing process is more manageable, testing your knowledge and progress every 20 minutes instead of a cumulative test at the end of the course.

  • Study Club Access

    You get three months of our study club (which includes 837 cases) for FREE!

  • Course Countdown

    Our seminars use a reverse clock; each time you log in, it subtracts the minutes you spend working towards your goal.

  • 132+ Hours of CE!

    You will receive continuing education credits upon completion of the course: 132 hours for Level 1 Orthodontics alone.

Don’t send your patients running to a specialist when you can easily offer the service yourself.
Contact Rondeau Seminars today to get started.

Level I - Intro to Orthodontics | Course Evaluation

What are your overall impressions of the course?

  • This is an excellent course for GP’s to get an introduction to ortho.  I am confident now to begin simple cases.

If there were any course weaknesses, please describe.

  • None.  The support we received with ceph tracing, to bracket placement, to appliance design and usage was exceptional.  I look forward to Level 2

Would you recommend this course to your dental colleagues?

  • Yes, I’ve done clear aligners for years.  This will help take the fear away from more comprehensive ortho.  This is the best course I’ve ever attended which emphasized on early treatment and non-extractive ortho.  I was excited to learn of all the ways to think about improving airways.

Online vs On-Site

Course Type



Improved Technical Skills

Yes Yes

Course Materials

Yes No

In Home/Office

Yes No

Fits Your Schedule

Yes No


Yes No

Zero Travel Expenses

Yes No

Hear What Your Colleagues Have to Say

Online Courses – Dental Education

If you have any additional questions or would like more information about our online courses, please contact us or call 1-877-372-7625.

Level I - Intro to Orthodontics

Brock Rondeau is now offering his Level I, four session orthodontic course for general dentist’s online. The purpose of this comprehensive program is to teach general and pediatric dentists how to diagnose and treat simple orthodontic cases.

Emphasis will be placed on thorough records and diagnosis. Treatment will involve using a combination of functional appliances, mainly in mixed dentition and fixed orthodontic braces (Straight wire technique) in permanent dentition. Brock Rondeau’s systematic approach, organization and marketing tips make incorporating orthodontics into the general practice relatively easy.

No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos, tests and practical exercises anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the four comprehensive manuals shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

This is also an excellent way to train your staff on complete orthodontic records, how to take quality cephs and pans, functional appliances, early treatment, TMJ treatment, straight wire mechanics, sleep dentistry, airways, digital photography, retention, case finishing, clear braces and internal and external marketing.

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos, tests and lab exercises required to complete each session.  You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete one session and up to one year from the registration date to complete all four sessions.  You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment. Once all of the video clips have been viewed and the tests are completed, you will be ready to complete the lab exercises, which are required in order to collect further CE points. The lab exercises can be downloaded from the website once you are registered for the course.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Upon successful completion of all four sessions, you will earn continuing education credits for 72 hours of self-instruction in Orthodontics (with submission of your lab exercises). You will earn an additional 60 hours of self-instruction continuing education credits once you complete all the required lab exercises.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

Full payment pricing is $4,780 + applicable taxes. (Save $400!)

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra.

Level II - Orthodontics

Brock Rondeau has now completed Session 1 of the Level II Orthodontics course online. Session 1 will feature 14 cases from start to finish. These cases are exclusive to the online course and not shown in the live courses. This is what to expect from this exceptional session:

Patient 1

Cade, Male Age 11
Constricted maxillary arch
Upper second bicuspid impacted on palate
Impacted cuspids

Treatment plan:
MX 3-screw Posterior Sagittal
Straight wire

Patient 2

Rachel, Female age 8
Constricted upper and lower arches
Crowded upper and lower incisors

Treatment plan:
MX Schwarz Appliance
MD Schwarz Appliance
Straight wire

Patient 3

Alyssa, Female age 8
Class II Skeletal
Daily headaches, deep overbite 5 mm
Retrognathic mandible, overjet 6 mm

Treatment plan: Twin Block

Patient 4

Kenzie, Female age 15
Constricted upper and lower arches
Crowded upper and lower incisors

Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax
MD MSX Fixed Expander
MX TP Arch
MD Schwarz Appliance
Straight wire, step down bends

Patient 5

Nicholas, Male Age 7
Class II molar, overbite 7 mm
Constricted upper arch
Tooth size arch length discrepancy

Phase I Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax Memory Screw
MD Banded Hyrax

Nicholas, Age 9, Blocked out MX cuspids
Phase II Treatment plan:
MX Fixed Molar Distalizer
Straight wire

Patient 6

Hai, Female age 15
Crowded incisors, midline problem
Deep overbite 6 mm
Labially displaced cuspids

Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax
MD MSX Fixed Expander
Straight wire

Patient 7

Paul, Male age 35
Crowded upper and lower incisors
Constricted upper arch, upper lateral crossbite
Class II molar

Treatment plan:
Extract upper second molar
Upper Fixed Expansion Appliance, Memory screw
Molar Distalization Appliance
Straight wire

Bolton Analysis
30% patients have tooth size discrepancy. Need to diagnose problem before treatment. Add to informed consent agreement to avoid future problems. Slenderize large teeth. Composite fillings peg shaped laterals.

Patient 8

Mai, Female age 14
Upper laterals lingually displaced
Upper arch constricted

Treatment plan:
Upper Hyrax Appliance
Upper Anterior Sagittal
Straightwire Clear brackets

Patient 9

Sarah, Female age 26
TM dysfunction, Class I malocclusion
Joint vibration analysis

Treatment plan:
Lower repositioning splint daytime
Upper Anterior Deprogrammer nighttime
Straight wire
Close posterior open bite
Close anterior open bite

Patient 10

Radek, Male age 31
Class II skeletal, overjet 9 mm
TM Dysfunction

Treatment plan:
MARA appliance
Twin Block II
Straight wire, clear brackets
Silent Nite

Patient 11

Martin, Male age 15
Impacted cuspid
Impacted lower second molar
Lower midline shifted right

Treatment plan:
Extract second molar
Lower Hyrax appliance with fixed Molar Distalizer
Upper Hyrax appliance with fixed Molar Distalizer
Eruption of impacted cuspid
Straight wire closing coil spring

Patient 12
Donna, Female age 60

Overbite 5 mm
TM dysfunction

Phase I: TM dysfunction
Treatment plan:
Lower Repositioning Splint daytime to recapture anteriorly displaced disc
Upper Anterior Deprogrammer Appliance nighttime to prevent bruxing and clenching

Phase II: Orthodontic Case Finishing
Treatment Plan:
Straight wire, clear brackets

Patient 13

Nelson, Male age 8
Anterior crossbite, overbite 4 mm
Functional Class III
Arch length discrepancy
Constricted upper arch

Phase I
Treatment plan:
Anterior Sagittal
Posterior Sagittal

Nelson, Age 13
Severe crowding

Phase II
Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax Fixed Molar Distalizer
MD Fixed Expander Molar Distalizer
Buccal sectional with open coil
Lower Nance Appliance
Straight wire
Carriere Self-Ligating Brackets
Midline correction

Patient 14

Wendy, Female age 30
Anterior open bite 8 mm, flared incisors
Anterior tongue thrust
Orthodontist diagnosis glossectomy, double jaw surgery

Phase I
Treatment plan:
Lower Fixed Tongue Rake Appliance
Straight wire

Phase II
Treatment plan:
Sleep study, severe sleep apnea
Somnodent Appliance
Class II elastics, tongue depressor

Brock Rondeau has now completed Session 2 of the Level II Orthodontics course online. Session 2 will feature 17 cases from start to finish. These cases are exclusive to the online course and not shown in the live courses. This is what to expect from this exceptional session:

Patient 1

Grant, Male Age 14
Skeletal Class III
Deficient maxilla
Anterior Crossbite
Deep overbite 10 mm
Short lower face height
Orthodontist extracted upper bicuspids

Patient 2

Emmett, Male Age 5
Constricted MX arch
Constricted MD arch
Poor cooperator
No room lateral incisors

Patient 3

Corbin, Male Age 15
Missing lower first molar
Second molar tipped mesially
Move second molar mesially with TADS

Patient 4

Kayla, Female Age 13
4 mm Anterior open bite
Anterior tongue thrust
MX incisors intruded
Enlarged tonsils

Patient 5

Vanessa, Female Age 13
Class III molar
Concave profile
Severe MX anterior crowding
Lower incisors lingual
Advanced mechanics

Patient 6

Grady, Male Age 8
Class III skeletal
Anterior crossbite
Deep overbite 10 mm
Short lower face height
Deficient maxilla

Patient 7

Jacob, Male Age 16
Class I skeletal
Class II molar
Class II cuspid
Deep overbite 5 mm
Crowded lower incisors

Patient 8

Julia, Female Age 12
Class II skeletal
Class II molar
Class II cuspid
Overjet 5 mm
Deep overbite 4 m

Patient 9

Fitzpatrick, Male Age 50
Extraction four bicuspids
Snoring sleep apnea
Severe bruxism
Airway obstruction

Patient 10

Rai-Ann, Female Age 13
Labially displaced MX cuspids
Class I skeletal
“Fang Look”

Patient 11

Anna, Female Age 5
Class III skeletal
Deficient maxilla
Normal mandible
Anterior crossbite
Deep overbite 4 mm

Patient 12

Denyne, Female Age 20
Vertical MX incisors trapping the mandible
Potential TMD problems

Patient 13

Ramirez, Male Age 5
Class II skeletal
Overjet 10 mm
Class II molar
Constricted MX arch
Simmons Night Appliance
Prevent clenching and bruxism
Prevents snoring and sleep apnea

Patient 14

Farrari 2
MX appliance
Prevent clenching and bruxing
Incisal ramp
Adam’s clasps first molars
Rests mesial first bicuspids

Patient 15

Matthew, Male Age 23
Class III skeletal
Deficient maxilla
Anterior crossbite
Orthodontist recommended surgery
Traumatic occlusion central incisor

Patient 16

Alexandra, Female Age 8
Class I molar
Anterior crossbite
Blocked out MX cuspids
Deep overbite 5 mm
Overclosed vertically

Patient 17

Yvonne, Female Age 43
Class II skeletal
Anterior open bite
TM Dysfunction
Crowded anterior teeth

No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive manuals shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete one session. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Upon successful completion of this session, you will earn continuing education credits for 20 hours of self-instruction in Orthodontics.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.
The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra.
The Level II Orthodontic Course also come with 78 articles that are a fantastic reference.

Diagnosis & Treatment of TM Dysfunction

Many dentists have enjoyed this simple but practical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of tempormandibular joint dysfunction which is prevalent in 34% of the adult patients according to the ADA. In this course you will gain basic, step-by-step information on TM Dysfunction. Brock Rondeau will give you a clear understanding of this disorder so you can determine which patients you can treat and which patients to refer.

Dentists have the prime responsibility to diagnose and treat this common disorder. TM disorders are progressive and worsen over time; therefore, just like orthodontics, it is imperative that the problem be treated as early as possible. Dentists need to diagnose and stabilize the TMJ prior to restorative, prosthetic or orthodontic treatment.

This introductory course will discuss the diagnosis and treatment of patients with TM Dysfunction. The course includes an extensive course manual with over 300 pages with numerous colored photos of different types of splints, bite registrations, muscle palpations, anatomy of TMJ etc to help clinicians to understand how to help their patients who have TM dysfunction.

Dentists treating patients for snoring and sleep apnea need to have a clear understanding of this disorder to properly treat their patients using oral appliances. Hopefully, you will share my vision for the future and enroll in a course that will increase the size of your practice and assist you with providing an important health service for your patients young and old.

Diagnosis and Treatment of TM Dysfunction

  • Anatomy of the TM Joint
  • Muscles of Mastication
  • Causes of DM Dysfunction
  • Clinical Examination
  • Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA)
  • TMJ X-rays, Tomograms
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Five Stages of Derangement (disc displacement)
  • Bite Registration for Splint Therapy (phonetic bite)
  • Types of Splints
  • Neurological tests to determine if the mandible is in the correct position with the repositioning splint
  • How to File insurance Claims for TM Dysfunction
  • Phase I: Splint Therapy (4 months)
  • Phase II: Orthodontic Case Finishing (15-24 months)
  • Internal Marketing for TMJ Practice
  • External Marketing for TMJ Practice

No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive course manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

This is also an excellent way to train your staff on screening your patients for TM dysfunction, TMJ records, splint therapy, patient education, integrating TMD treatment into your general practice, and internal and external marketing.

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete the course and this will include the review time. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will earn continuing education credits for 20 hours of self-instruction in TM dysfunction.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra.

Dentist's Role in Snoring & Sleep Apnea

In this course, you will gain basic step-by-step information on snoring and sleep apnea. Brock Rondeau will provide you with a clear understanding of this disorder so you will be able to communicate effectively with patients as well as medical professionals, including sleep specialists, regarding snoring and sleep apnea.

Dentists must be knowledgeable in the area of sleep dentistry regarding the three ways to treat including the CPAP device, oral appliance and surgery. Also, they must be knowledgeable in understanding the different types of apnea, different stages of sleep , how to interpret sleep studies, how to conduct a thorough examination of the patient, and how to send appropriate reports to sleep specialists.


  • Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Causes
  • Sleep Examinations and Forms
  • Hospital Sleep Studies (Polysomnogram)
  • Home Sleep Study
  • Different Sleep Cycles
  • Summary of Sleep Disorders
  • CPAP – Continuous Positive Air Pressure
  • Surgical Solutions for Sleep Apnea
  • Comparison of Different Oral Appliances
  • References and Articles
  • Marketing Your Sleep Practice
  • Sample Reports to Sleep Specialists, MD’s, Denitst’s and ENT’s
  • How to Bill Insurance Companies for Oral Appliances

This course will emphasize how to establish relationships with medical professionals (sleep specialists) in the sleep clinics who work with the dentist to help prevent snoring and sleep apnea. Brock Rondeau will show you many cases from start to finish, including diagnostic records and the home sleep study device. He will also show you a variety of oral appliances, including the three appliances that he prefers to use in the majority of his cases. After seeing a number of cases treated successfully with oral appliance, the course participants will be more encouraged to start cases.
This course is accompanied by an extensive course manual as well as several articles from sleep literature to help the course participant understand this important subject more thoroughly.

No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive course manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete the course and this will include the review time. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Upon successful completion of this course you will earn 20 continuing education hours of self-instruction in Sleep Apnea and Appliance Therapy.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra.

Case Finishing & Mechanics with Dr. Adrian Palencar

Biokinetics in Orthodontic Tooth Movement

  • Clinical Responses
  • Histologic Responses
  • Principles of Anchorage
  • Orthodontic Relapse

Principles of Biomechanics in Orthodontic Tooth Movement

  • Moments and Forces
  • Moment of a Couple
  • Types of Movement
  • Static Equilibrium
  • Magnitude of the Force
  • Point of the Force Application

Orthodontic Instruments Wire Bending Exercises 1st, 2nd and 3rd Order Wire Bends

  • 1st Order Wire Bends – step-in and step-out
  • 2nd Order Wire Bends – Tip (angulation)
  • 3rd Order Wire Bends – Torque (inclination)

4th Order Wire Bends

  • V Bend (up to .019 x .025 S.S.)
  • Step up and Step down bend
  • (.016, .018, .019 x .025 S.S and .019 x .025 Braided S.S. wires)
  • Helical Running Loop (.018 S.S.)
  • Keyhole Closing Loop (.016 x .025 & .019 x .025 SS)
  • Mushroom Closing Loop (.017 x .025 and .019 x .025 CNA)

Utility Arches (.016 x .016 S.S.)

  • Neutral
  • Intrusive
  • Extrusive
  • Protrusive
  • Retrusive
  • Intrusive-Protrusive
  • Intrusive-Retrusive
  • Extrusive-Protrusive
  • Extrusive-Retrusive

Mulligan Mechanics

  • Center Bend and Off Center Bend .018 S.S
  • Tip Back and Tip Forward
  • In-bend and Out-bend
  • Toe-in and Toe-out

Case Finishing

  • Pre de-bracketing appraisal, Retention and Relapse

No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Dr. Palencar’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive course manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete the course and this will include the review time. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Dr. Palencar lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Upon successful completion of this course you will earn 10 continuing education hours of self-instruction in Orthodontics.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra.

Orthodontic Staff Training

The staff is a vital part of the successful integration of orthodontics into your general practice. They will learn the same system of records, functional appliances and straight wire system that Brock Rondeau is teaching the dentists. Staff plays an important role in not only educating parents and children to want to have orthodontic treatment, but also save the dentist considerable time when taking records or treating patients.

In this session, staff will learn the functional philosophy of treatment and learn to identify patients that can benefit from early treatment to improve the airway and achieve healthy TM joints. The knowledge they receive from this session will enhance their role in the office and increase their ability to assist their doctor in all aspects of orthodontic treatment.

Upon completion of the course, students will receive 16 hours of Continuing Education and a completion certificate can be printed for their records.

This is also an excellent way to train your staff on complete orthodontic records, how to take quality cephs and pans, functional appliances, early treatment, straight wire mechanics, airways, digital photography, patient education, practice management, and internal and external marketing

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete one session. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Gina Noakes, RDH lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment. Once all of the video clips have been viewed and the tests are completed you can print the Completion Certificate and contact the office for the Continuing Education letter at

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the staff to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards and associations

Price per session is $595 plus applicable taxes and the shipping of the manual.

4 or more staff contact directly to receive discounts

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra.

Upon completion of session 1 you will receive 14 Hours of self-instructional continuing education credits in orthodontics.

If you have any additional questions or would like more information about our online courses, please contact us or call 1-877-372-7625.

Level I - Intro to Orthodontics

Course Content

Brock Rondeau is now offering his Level I, four session orthodontic course for general dentist’s online. The purpose of this comprehensive program is to teach general and pediatric dentists how to diagnose and treat simple orthodontic cases.

Emphasis will be placed on thorough records and diagnosis. Treatment will involve using a combination of functional appliances, mainly in mixed dentition and fixed orthodontic braces (Straight wire technique) in permanent dentition. Brock Rondeau’s systematic approach, organization and marketing tips make incorporating orthodontics into the general practice relatively easy.


No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos, tests and practical exercises anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the four comprehensive manuals shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

This is also an excellent way to train your staff on complete orthodontic records, how to take quality cephs and pans, functional appliances, early treatment, TMJ treatment, straight wire mechanics, sleep dentistry, airways, digital photography, retention, case finishing, clear braces and internal and external marketing.

How the Course Works

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos, tests and lab exercises required to complete each session.  You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete one session and up to one year from the registration date to complete all four sessions.  You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment. Once all of the video clips have been viewed and the tests are completed, you will be ready to complete the lab exercises, which are required in order to collect further CE points. The lab exercises can be downloaded from the website once you are registered for the course.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Course Fees & CE Credit

Upon successful completion of all four sessions, you will earn continuing education credits for 72 hours of self-instruction in Orthodontics (with submission of your lab exercises). You will earn an additional 60 hours of self-instruction continuing education credits once you complete all the required lab exercises.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

Full payment pricing is $4,000 + applicable taxes. (Save $1,180!)

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra. The shipping charges are as follows:

Per session shipping costs:

US: $68 USD



Full payment shipping costs:

US: $136 USD



Level II - Orthodontics

Course Content

Brock Rondeau has now completed Session 1 of the Level II Orthodontics course online. Session 1 will feature 14 cases from start to finish. These cases are exclusive to the online course and not shown in the live courses. This is what to expect from this exceptional session:

Patient 1

Cade, Male Age 11
Constricted maxillary arch
Upper second bicuspid impacted on palate
Impacted cuspids

Treatment plan:
MX 3-screw Posterior Sagittal
Straight wire

Patient 2

Rachel, Female age 8
Constricted upper and lower arches
Crowded upper and lower incisors

Treatment plan:
MX Schwarz Appliance
MD Schwarz Appliance
Straight wire

Patient 3

Alyssa, Female age 8
Class II Skeletal
Daily headaches, deep overbite 5 mm
Retrognathic mandible, overjet 6 mm

Treatment plan: Twin Block

Patient 4

Kenzie, Female age 15
Constricted upper and lower arches
Crowded upper and lower incisors

Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax
MD MSX Fixed Expander
MX TP Arch
MD Schwarz Appliance
Straight wire, step down bends

Patient 5

Nicholas, Male Age 7
Class II molar, overbite 7 mm
Constricted upper arch
Tooth size arch length discrepancy

Phase I Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax Memory Screw
MD Banded Hyrax

Nicholas, Age 9, Blocked out MX cuspids
Phase II Treatment plan:
MX Fixed Molar Distalizer
Straight wire

Patient 6

Hai, Female age 15
Crowded incisors, midline problem
Deep overbite 6 mm
Labially displaced cuspids

Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax
MD MSX Fixed Expander
Straight wire

Patient 7

Paul, Male age 35
Crowded upper and lower incisors
Constricted upper arch, upper lateral crossbite
Class II molar

Treatment plan:
Extract upper second molar
Upper Fixed Expansion Appliance, Memory screw
Molar Distalization Appliance
Straight wire

Bolton Analysis
30% patients have tooth size discrepancy. Need to diagnose problem before treatment. Add to informed consent agreement to avoid future problems. Slenderize large teeth. Composite fillings peg shaped laterals.

Patient 8

Mai, Female age 14
Upper laterals lingually displaced
Upper arch constricted

Treatment plan:
Upper Hyrax Appliance
Upper Anterior Sagittal
Straightwire Clear brackets

Patient 9

Sarah, Female age 26
TM dysfunction, Class I malocclusion
Joint vibration analysis

Treatment plan:
Lower repositioning splint daytime
Upper Anterior Deprogrammer nighttime
Straight wire
Close posterior open bite
Close anterior open bite

Patient 10

Radek, Male age 31
Class II skeletal, overjet 9 mm
TM Dysfunction

Treatment plan:
MARA appliance
Twin Block II
Straight wire, clear brackets
Silent Nite

Patient 11

Martin, Male age 15
Impacted cuspid
Impacted lower second molar
Lower midline shifted right

Treatment plan:
Extract second molar
Lower Hyrax appliance with fixed Molar Distalizer
Upper Hyrax appliance with fixed Molar Distalizer
Eruption of impacted cuspid
Straight wire closing coil spring

Patient 12
Donna, Female age 60

Overbite 5 mm
TM dysfunction

Phase I: TM dysfunction
Treatment plan:
Lower Repositioning Splint daytime to recapture anteriorly displaced disc
Upper Anterior Deprogrammer Appliance nighttime to prevent bruxing and clenching

Phase II: Orthodontic Case Finishing
Treatment Plan:
Straight wire, clear brackets

Patient 13

Nelson, Male age 8
Anterior crossbite, overbite 4 mm
Functional Class III
Arch length discrepancy
Constricted upper arch

Phase I
Treatment plan:
Anterior Sagittal
Posterior Sagittal

Nelson, Age 13
Severe crowding

Phase II
Treatment plan:
MX Banded Hyrax Fixed Molar Distalizer
MD Fixed Expander Molar Distalizer
Buccal sectional with open coil
Lower Nance Appliance
Straight wire
Carriere Self-Ligating Brackets
Midline correction

Patient 14

Wendy, Female age 30
Anterior open bite 8 mm, flared incisors
Anterior tongue thrust
Orthodontist diagnosis glossectomy, double jaw surgery

Phase I
Treatment plan:
Lower Fixed Tongue Rake Appliance
Straight wire

Phase II
Treatment plan:
Sleep study, severe sleep apnea
Somnodent Appliance
Class II elastics, tongue depressor


No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive manuals shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

How the Course Works

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete one session. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Course Fees & CE Credit

Upon successful completion of this session, you will earn continuing education credits for 20 hours of self-instruction in Orthodontics.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.
The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra.
The Level II Orthodontic Course also come with 78 articles that are a fantastic reference.
The shipping charges are as follows:

Shipping costs:
US: $68 USD

Diagnosis & Treatment of TM Dysfunction

Course Content

Many dentists have enjoyed this simple but practical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of tempormandibular joint dysfunction which is prevalent in 34% of the adult patients according to the ADA. In this course you will gain basic, step-by-step information on TM Dysfunction. Brock Rondeau will give you a clear understanding of this disorder so you can determine which patients you can treat and which patients to refer.

Dentists have the prime responsibility to diagnose and treat this common disorder. TM disorders are progressive and worsen over time; therefore, just like orthodontics, it is imperative that the problem be treated as early as possible. Dentists need to diagnose and stabilize the TMJ prior to restorative, prosthetic or orthodontic treatment.

This introductory course will discuss the diagnosis and treatment of patients with TM Dysfunction. The course includes an extensive course manual with over 300 pages with numerous colored photos of different types of splints, bite registrations, muscle palpations, anatomy of TMJ etc to help clinicians to understand how to help their patients who have TM dysfunction.

Dentists treating patients for snoring and sleep apnea need to have a clear understanding of this disorder to properly treat their patients using oral appliances. Hopefully, you will share my vision for the future and enroll in a course that will increase the size of your practice and assist you with providing an important health service for your patients young and old.

Diagnosis and Treatment of TM Dysfunction

  • Anatomy of the TM Joint
  • Muscles of Mastication
  • Causes of DM Dysfunction
  • Clinical Examination
  • Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA)
  • TMJ X-rays, Tomograms
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Five Stages of Derangement (disc displacement)
  • Bite Registration for Splint Therapy (phonetic bite)
  • Types of Splints
  • Neurological tests to determine if the mandible is in the correct position with the repositioning splint
  • How to File insurance Claims for TM Dysfunction
  • Phase I: Splint Therapy (4 months)
  • Phase II: Orthodontic Case Finishing (15-24 months)
  • Internal Marketing for TMJ Practice
  • External Marketing for TMJ Practice


No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive course manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

This is also an excellent way to train your staff on screening your patients for TM dysfunction, TMJ records, splint therapy, patient education, integrating TMD treatment into your general practice, and internal and external marketing.

How the Course Works

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete the course and this will include the review time. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Course Fees & CE Credit

Upon successful completion of this course, you will earn continuing education credits for 20 hours of self-instruction in TM dysfunction.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra. The shipping charges are as follows:

Shipping costs:
US: $68 USD

Case Finishing & Mechanics with Dr. Adrian Palencar

Course Content

Biokinetics in Orthodontic Tooth Movement

  • Clinical Responses
  • Histologic Responses
  • Principles of Anchorage
  • Orthodontic Relapse

Principles of Biomechanics in Orthodontic Tooth Movement

  • Moments and Forces
  • Moment of a Couple
  • Types of Movement
  • Static Equilibrium
  • Magnitude of the Force
  • Point of the Force Application

Orthodontic Instruments Wire Bending Exercises 1st, 2nd and 3rd Order Wire Bends

  • 1st Order Wire Bends – step-in and step-out
  • 2nd Order Wire Bends – Tip (angulation)
  • 3rd Order Wire Bends – Torque (inclination)

4th Order Wire Bends

  • V Bend (up to .019 x .025 S.S.)
  • Step up and Step down bend
  • (.016, .018, .019 x .025 S.S and .019 x .025 Braided S.S. wires)
  • Helical Running Loop (.018 S.S.)
  • Keyhole Closing Loop (.016 x .025 & .019 x .025 SS)
  • Mushroom Closing Loop (.017 x .025 and .019 x .025 CNA)

Utility Arches (.016 x .016 S.S.)

  • Neutral
  • Intrusive
  • Extrusive
  • Protrusive
  • Retrusive
  • Intrusive-Protrusive
  • Intrusive-Retrusive
  • Extrusive-Protrusive
  • Extrusive-Retrusive

Mulligan Mechanics

  • Center Bend and Off Center Bend .018 S.S
  • Tip Back and Tip Forward
  • In-bend and Out-bend
  • Toe-in and Toe-out

Case Finishing

  • Pre de-bracketing appraisal, Retention and Relapse


No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Dr. Palencar’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive course manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

How the Course Works

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete the course and this will include the review time. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Dr. Palencar lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Course Fees & CE Credit

Upon successful completion of this course you will earn 10 continuing education hours of self-instruction in Orthodontics.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra. The shipping charges are as follows:

Shipping costs:
US: $68 USD

Dentist's Role in Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Course Content

In this course, you will gain basic step-by-step information on snoring and sleep apnea. Brock Rondeau will provide you with a clear understanding of this disorder so you will be able to communicate effectively with patients as well as medical professionals, including sleep specialists, regarding snoring and sleep apnea.

Dentists must be knowledgeable in the area of sleep dentistry regarding the three ways to treat including the CPAP device, oral appliance and surgery. Also, they must be knowledgeable in understanding the different types of apnea, different stages of sleep , how to interpret sleep studies, how to conduct a thorough examination of the patient, and how to send appropriate reports to sleep specialists.


  • Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Causes
  • Sleep Examinations and Forms
  • Hospital Sleep Studies (Polysomnogram)
  • Home Sleep Study
  • Different Sleep Cycles
  • Summary of Sleep Disorders
  • CPAP – Continuous Positive Air Pressure
  • Surgical Solutions for Sleep Apnea
  • Comparison of Different Oral Appliances
  • References and Articles
  • Marketing Your Sleep Practice
  • Sample Reports to Sleep Specialists, MD’s, Denitst’s and ENT’s
  • How to Bill Insurance Companies for Oral Appliances


This course will emphasize how to establish relationships with medical professionals (sleep specialists) in the sleep clinics who work with the dentist to help prevent snoring and sleep apnea. Brock Rondeau will show you many cases from start to finish, including diagnostic records and the home sleep study device. He will also show you a variety of oral appliances, including the three appliances that he prefers to use in the majority of his cases. After seeing a number of cases treated successfully with oral appliance, the course participants will be more encouraged to start cases.
This course is accompanied by an extensive course manual as well as several articles from sleep literature to help the course participant understand this important subject more thoroughly.

No matter where you are in the world, you can take Brock Rondeau’s seminar by going online and logging onto the Rondeau Seminars website. You can earn your continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office computer while getting all the benefits of Brock Rondeau’s expertise.

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive course manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

How the Course Works

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests required to complete the course. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete the course and this will include the review time. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Brock Rondeau lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment.

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the dentist to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards.

Course Fees & CE Credit

Upon successful completion of this course you will earn 20 continuing education hours of self-instruction in Sleep Apnea and Appliance Therapy.

Price per session is $1,295 + applicable taxes.

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra. The shipping charges are as follows:

Shipping costs:
US: $68 USD

Dentist's Role in Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Course Content

The staff is a vital part of the successful integration of orthodontics into your general practice. They will learn the same system of records, functional appliances and straight wire system that Brock Rondeau is teaching the dentists. Staff plays an important role in not only educating parents and children to want to have orthodontic treatment, but also save the dentist considerable time when taking records or treating patients.

In this session, staff will learn the functional philosophy of treatment and learn to identify patients that can benefit from early treatment to improve the airway and achieve healthy TM joints. The knowledge they receive from this session will enhance their role in the office and increase their ability to assist their doctor in all aspects of orthodontic treatment.

Upon completion of the course, students will receive 16 hours of Continuing Education and a completion certificate can be printed for their records.


This is also an excellent way to train your staff on complete orthodontic records, how to take quality cephs and pans, functional appliances, early treatment, straight wire mechanics, airways, digital photography, patient education, practice management, and internal and external marketing

Save time and money on travel and expenses by taking this course online. You will have access to videos and tests anytime and anywhere. All the information you need will be provided in the comprehensive manual shipped to you upon receipt of payment.

How the Course Works

Once you have registered and paid for the course, you can start learning right away! Using your login name and password you will have access to all of the videos and tests. You will have up to three months from the registration date to complete one session. You are invited to call the office to discuss this information further.

You will watch Gina Noakes, RDH lecturing in a series of 15-20 minute long video clips, followed by a quick test to be completed prior to viewing the next segment. Once all of the video clips have been viewed and the tests are completed you can print the Completion Certificate and contact the office for the Continuing Education letter at

Every 20 minutes there is a 10 question test. A passing grade is 70% in order to proceed to the next presentation. This allows the staff to receive continuing education credits which are accepted by the AGD, IAO and most state boards and associations

Course Fees & CE Credit

Price per session is $595 plus applicable taxes and the shipping of the manual

4 or more staff contact directly to receive discounts

The cost of the manual is included; however, shipping is extra. The shipping charges are as follows:

Shipping costs
US: $68 USD

Upon completion of session 1 you will receive 14 Hours of self-instructional continuing education credits in orthodontics.